Monthly Update – August 2024

Well, this month we finally started Act 2! I'm excited to show everything I have planned for this story, especially after hearing this song that made me take notes upon notes about the ending of Remnants!

A bit early, I know, lol! But I've always had a clear idea of how it would be, and that song created a vivid image in my mind of how it will turn out :D. In fact, the ending of the whole story and each character is already written ;)

But that will have to wait a bit until we get there. For now, let's focus back on Act 2! I’ve already written the beginning of Chapter 2. It was supposed to be something simple, but the characters got a bit rebellious and wanted longer scenes for each of them, so that’s what I did. After all, they’re the ones telling the story, I’m just writing it down, haha! That said, we're close to a scene I've been eager to write for a long time. It’s a silly thing, but it makes me laugh a lot because it’s not just comedy for the sake of comedy, but the characters would genuinely act that way in that situation! You’ll see when it’s published, and I hope it amuses you as much as it does me, xD

By the way, I’ve started using the option to schedule posts on Patreon and now I regret not doing it sooner, lol! I’m really bad at social media :’). But anyway, I’m happy because I’ve got all this month’s posts, and part of next month’s, prepared and everything is more organized.

This weekend I’ll keep preparing stuff for Patreon. I want to publish a couple of Q&A sessions for the characters, but since I already know everything about them, it’s hard for me to come up with questions to ask them, ^^’. But it’s all right, I’ll think of something. And if any of you have questions for the ROs, Enid, or any other character, don’t hesitate to let me know! The characters would be happy to answer :D. Just be careful what you ask Belicar/Nisa… that could go very wrong xD

Without further ado, I’ll stop rambling and let you enjoy your weekend. I just want to end by thanking all of you for staying with me on this adventure, for reading, sharing, and buying this story. Thank you all for the tremendous support you’re giving me, it means so much to me <3


Have a great month, and see you at the end of September ;)

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