Update - Chapter 4 [Public Release]

Chapter 4 - Underwater hazards

There are more dangers than you think lurking underwater...


Chapter 4 is now available!

Ok, so... this chapter was NOT supposed to be this big 😬 The next one is going to be considerably shorter in comparison. But then again, that's what I always say and look at what happens...

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this new chapter and everything it has to offer! Seriously, enjoy it. You'll want to. Trust me 🤐

Apart from that, I fixed some grammatical errors I didn't spot the first time (some day I'll learn the difference between lay and lie, I promise). I also edited the scene where MC and the group meet with Enid and Rayco/Gara at the end of Chapter 2. The otter? Not an otter anymore. At least, not on the outside. Her look has been changed too so it makes more sense with the plot. There are no otters living underwater, after all, lol!

Go check it out and let me know what you think! ❤️


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15 days ago

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