Update - Chapter 1

Chapter 1 – A sacred mission

You find yourself in an unknown world. With time and powerful sources against you, you and your friends rush to end the corrupted cycle once and for all. However, a new setback leads you down a much different path.


We officially start Act 2! The chapter is much larger than I had planned, around 55k+ words, which is… a lot, lol! Part of that is because of Ada/Omar’s route with all the variables affecting how they treat the MC. But, truth be told, I’m glad it’s substantial like this, hehe :D.

On another note, something funny happened a few days ago while I was coding. I updated Twine to version 2.9.2, which force me to tweak the code a bit to maintain the same UI, but for some reason the scroll bar wasn’t working? Anyway, after 2 hours of testing things here and there, I found an easy solution: go the fuck back to the previous version. If it ain’t broken… xD. I’m pretty sure the actual solution is super easy, but I might be missing it because, well, sometimes I feel like a bit of an idiot, lol! I'll figure it out eventually.

Setting that aside, though, I hope you enjoy this opening chapter of Act 2 and continue to join me on this journey through Remnants of The Past.

And as always, if you'd like to support this project, you can check out my Patreon and consider becoming a patron if you like what you see :D.

See you all soon, and have an awesome day!


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35 days ago


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