Monthly Update – April 2024

The first Act of Remnants of The Past is officially complete! A heartfelt thank you to everyone who has purchased the game, as well as to those who will buy it in the future. Your overwhelming support means the world to me <3!

Now, onto planning Act 2! But before diving fully into that, I've been testing with a few things to enable you to import your choices from Act 1 into Act 2, and I'm thrilled to share some great news! Just this morning I found the way to do it! Huge thanks to necrosian for the suggestion, 13leaguestories for the help, and Chapel for the macros! In the next few days, I'll release an update so you can export your choices into a save file. However, this feature does NOT work on mobile. If you're playing on your phone, the export button won't do anything, but I've included a guide on how to manually carry over your choices to Act 2 on mobile. It might seem a bit tedious, but it only takes 2 minutes, and then you can forget about it for the rest of the Act.

In addition to that, I'm working on writing some extra scenes from the perspective of the ROs that didn't make it into the game. Whether it's because the MC wasn't present during those moments or they weren't necessary for the plot, these scenes are good details to share about the characters and give a bit of more context to their actions in the story. If you have a particular scene in mind that you'd like to see from another character's pov, feel free to ask! I'd be delighted to write it, as long as it doesn't venture into spoiler territory, of course! And on top of all that, I've been busy preparing some illustrations for Mermay! All of this and more will be available for Patreon subscribers.

With April and Act 1 done, I'm excited to dive into Act 2! Here's to hoping I'll make it to Chapter 1 soon!

This is the last Monthly Update in this page. To read the next updates, visit the page for Act 2.


Have a fantastic month and see you at the end of May ;)

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Look ma, I'm famous!

Glad i could help!


That you are, lol. You saved me a headache so thank you very much, haha!

I was wondering if the game would be available on steam as well?

My current situation doesn't allow me to pay the fee to release the game on Steam yet, but I'd love to do it in the future!

ok thank you😁